
Information for holders of the notes due 26 April 2028

PAO Sovcomflot (MOEX: FLOT) ("Company") informs the holders of the Notes ("Noteholders") issued by SCF Capital Designated Activity Company (Ireland) due 26 April 2028 (ISIN: XS2325559396) ("2028 Notes") on the performance of obligations in accordance with the procedure set by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 198 "On Additional Temporary Measures of Economic Nature related to the Performance of Obligations on Certain Securities" dated 19 March 2024 ("Decree No. 198").

The Noteholders specified in paragraph 1 of Decree No. 198 who have not received payment starting from the coupon period ending on 26 October 2024 are entitled to, within 60 days of the date of the next payment on the 2028 Notes, apply to the Company for payments to rouble bank accounts of the relevant Noteholders opened with a Russian credit institution.

A set of documents including:

(1) supporting documents in accordance with Annex 1 (List of Documents and Specifics for their Submission); and

(2) signed forms of the documents specified in Annexes 2 (Form of Application for Payments), 3 (Form of Waiver of Potential Claims), 4 (Form of List of Documents),

need to be sent electronically by email to ir@scf-group.ru, together with the subsequent submission of paper originals to the Company's office at: floor 10, 6 Gasheka Street, Moscow, 125047, Russian Federation.

Verification of the submitted documents will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Decree No. 198 with the engagement of the non-bank credit organisation Joint Stock Company National Settlement Depository ("NSD").

The Company reserves the right not to satisfy the application of a Noteholder if such Noteholder provides an incomplete set of documents, if the documents do not meet the necessary requirements, the NSD or the Company has reasonable doubts as to the completeness and/or authenticity of the documents or information provided or for other reasons that not allow to properly verify the ownership of the Noteholder as at the relevant record date.

The Company also advises that it is continuing to cooperate with the relevant foreign regulators in order to obtain the approvals/confirmations required to make payments on the 2028 Notes, the rights to which are recorded in foreign infrastructure. The Company expects to be able to make payments once the required approvals are obtained, with proper cooperation from the paying agent Citibank N.A., and the resolving of other payment-related sanctions issues. The Company will keep Noteholders and other interested parties informed of the status of the work on the resumption of payments in international clearing systems.

The procedure for the performance of obligations to Noteholders and nominee holders, the rights to which are recorded in the Russian infrastructure, remains the same.

Should you have any further questions regarding the servicing the 2028 Notes, please contact: ir@scf-group.ru.


Annex 1. List of Documents and Specifics for their Submission

Annex 2. Form of Application for Payments

Annex 3. Form of Waiver of Potential Claims

Annex 4. Form of List of Documents