Name on board

Nevelskoy, Gennady
Gennady Nevelskoy (1813-1876) was a famous Russian explorer of the Far East, an Admiral and a full member of the Russian Geographic Society. He was the organiser and leader of the Amur Expedition (1849-1855). During the Amur Expedition Nevelskoy's team examined the mouth of the Amur River and proved that Sakhalin is an island, by discovering a strait between it and the mainland. In 1850, Gennady Ivanovich founded the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur at the mouth of the Amur River. After the expedition, he closely studied the banks of the Amur River, Amurskiy estuary, Tatar Strait, continental parts of the Amur and Ussuri Regions, and Sakhalin island.
A state-of-the-art platform supply icebreaker is named after Gennady Nevelskoy. The vessel is built according to the best practices of the global shipbuilding industry and the highest standards; she is intended to operate in harsh climatic conditions. The vessel is servicing three platforms of Sakhalin Energy in the Okhotsk Sea and maintains a permanent presence at marine platforms (Sakhalin-2 project) throughout the year. In the event of an emergency, she is able to provide a full range of support activities to protect the environment and ensure the safety of the platform personnel.