Name on board

Konetsky, Victor
Victor Konetsky was a warship seamen, a Master of merchant marine, a prominent writer and a scriptwriter. Victor Konetsky was a co-author of such movies as The Stripy Voyage, The Way to the Berth and Thirty Three which are among Russia's finest films. He was a member of the Writers' Union, the Honorary Director of the Public Council "300 years of Russian Fleet" and a member of the Russian Council for the Support of the Fleet". For his work as a writer and a seaman Konetsky was awarded two Medals of Honour, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of Service to the Motherland and the Silver Cross of the Georgiyevsky Union.
The Aframax tanker of the enhanced ice class (100,000 dwt), designed and built especially for oil transportation for Sakhalin-1 project, was named after Victor Konetsky. The "Victor Konetsky " meets all the national and international safety requirements and has been classified as '1A ice class' by the Norwegian Classification Society "Det Norske Veritas".