Name on board

Kolodkin, Anatoly
Anatoly Kolodkin (1928-2011) was an outstanding Russian lawyer specializing in maritime law, doctor of legal sciences, professor of Moscow State Law Academy, judge at the UN International Tribunal for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (Hamburg), and member of the International Court of Justice (the Hague).
Anatoly Kolodkin dedicated most of this life to maritime transportation and international maritime law; becoming an established representative of the USSR, and then Russia, at various international organisations. Kolodkin’s scientific works in the field of international maritime law have been published in many countries around the world.
Anatoly Kolodkin is an Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation and was awarded the Order of Honour and the Order of Friendship.
The LR II class product carrier built at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering shipyard was named after Anatoly Kolodkin. The vessel complies with all existing international and Russian standards of navigation safety and environmental protection. The ship’s cargo system allows simultaneous transportation and pumping of three different types of fuels in 12 cargo tanks, including crude oil and dark-oil products.